Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

My Regret

I think I was wrong in interpreting kindness.

I used to think that kindness is always about truth, religion, or law. I thought that someone who isn't good is only he or she that do something bad in the perspective of religion or law. But lately, I realize that the meaning of kindness is not only about them, and there is a problem if I think so. The way I thought about kindness is used to be too "shallow" and againts the other truth that human are social creatures. And the worst is the fact that maybe I have hurt someone because of that stupid thought :(

It's easier to find out other's fault than our's indeed. And it makes me feel so bad  that I just realized about it, though I have knew it so long ago. Now, I just can learn to be more gentle deep in my heart so that I will appraise everything more wisely. Religion and law should make us be a better person but it doesn't mean that we are allowed to be another bad person because we judge others and make them hurt.

I wish God will forgive me my faults and so that them whom I've ever hurt, and I wish too to be a better person. 

2 komentar:

  1. Cuma bs manggut2 mbak bacanya hehe *buta bhs inggtis :p
    Tp intinya aku tau.., Lakukan yg terbaik menurut mbak, dan lakukan setiap kegiatan dg tangga yg lebih baik dan lebih baik lg :)

  2. Makasih Laras.. You are my everything :D
